3 ex-NPA rebels surrender to Eastern Samar cops

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TACLOBAN CITY —Three former members of the New People’s Army (NPA), two of them were women, surrendered to police authorities in Eastern Samar on Tuesday, Sept. 14.

The former communist rebels were identified as alias ‘Botong/Jhay-ar,’ a member of NPA terrorist squad; ‘Liza/Agnes,’ chairperson of the women’s sector of the communist terrorist group’s pseudo-government; and  ‘Colen/Dolor,’ a member of the medical corps of their armed group operating in Dolores and its nearby towns in Eastern Samar.

The three surrendered before Police Lt. Col. Joy Leanza, the 1st Eastern Samar Provincial Mobile Force Company (PMFC) commander based in Dolores town.

The three former rebels were members of the Front 3 (F3), Sub-Regional Committee (SRC), Eastern Visayas Regional Party Committee (EVRPC) of the communist armed group.

They also turned over their firearms consisting of a caliber .357 pistol, a carbine M1m and a caliber .38 pistol.

Difficulties living in the mountains and the government’s relentless campaign against them were the main reasons the three decided to give up and return to the folds of the law, said Lt. Glou Angel Cortado, administrative chief of the 1st Eastern Samar PMFC.

Cortado said the three former rebels would be provided with financial assistance under the government’s Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP).

“We welcome our CNT (communist NPA terrorist) brothers and sisters with open arms. They deserve a second chance and a peaceful life with their families,” Leanza said in a statement.