Old woman raped in Tisa

A peanut vendor was arrested for allegedly raping a 65-year-old woman in barangay Tisa, Cebu City last Thursday.

Danilo Cominguez, 24, said he was too drunk that night to remember what happened.

“My wife woke me up the next morning because I was accused of assaulting the woman. I came from selling peanuts and I wasn’t able to go home because I was too drunk” said Cominguez in Cebuano.

The old woman positively identified Cominguez as the one who raped her past 3 a.m. last Thursday.

The woman said she left home around 3 a.m. to go to Carbon market to buy something.

A few meters away from her house, a man grabbed her and covered his mouth with his hands.

Out of fear that she would be killed, the woman said she did not resist.

The woman said that after raping her, the man thanked her twice.

The woman said the man covered his face with a ‘malong’ or cotton blanket but she was able to flip the cloth and see his face.

Some residents in the area said they heard the woman later shouting for help.

She went home and reported the incident to her family and then the police.

The victim has 14 children and several grandchildren.

Chief Insp. Aileen Recla, Punta Princesa police chief,, said the victim sought their help. This led to the arrest of the peanut vendor, who is detained in the police station pending the filing of rape charges against him. CORRESPONDENT CHITO O. ARAGON