Australia secures 1 million more Pfizer vaccine doses from Poland
A healthcare professional prepares a dose of the Pfizer coronavirus disease (COVID-19) vaccine as high-risk workers receive the first vaccines in the state of Victoria’s rollout of the program, in Melbourne, Australia, February 22, 2021. REUTERS FILE PHOTO
SYDNEY — Australia has secured about 1 million additional doses of Pfizer Inc’s COVID-19 vaccine that will start arriving on Sunday night, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said.
The doses, provided by the Polish government, will be targeted for Australians ages 20 to 39 years old, particularly in Sydney where transmission numbers have spiked to record highs.
Australia previously contracted for 14 million Pfizer doses, Morrison said.
At a news press conference in Canberra, Morrison expressed thanks to Poland and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.