Over 50,000 Zambales residents now fully vaccinated against COVID-19

Over 50,000 Zambales residents now fully vaccinated against COVID-19

A health worker in Zambales prepares to inoculate a senior citizen against COVID-19 (Photo courtesy of Subic Municipal Health Office)

SAN ANTONIO, Zambales — The provincial government has already administered complete vaccine doses against COVID-19 to 52,261 residents as of Wednesday (Aug. 11), local data showed.

According to the provincial health office, 1,103 more residents were the latest to get fully vaccinated during the recent mass vaccine rollout.

Data showed that the total number of fully jabbed residents represents 13 percent of the target population in the province.

To date, a total of 22,545 residents received the single-shot Janssen vaccine of Johnson & Johnson, 20,056 received Sinovac, and 22,545 received AstraZeneca.

At least 42,104 residents who received the first dose of AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccines are still waiting for the second dose.

The province has to vaccinate 400,000 of its 590,800 residents to achieve herd immunity.