Child abuse victims urged: Join fight for justice for Ellah Joy

AFTER his daughter was killed in 2011, Renante Pique became an advocate of children’s rights and justice for victims of child abuse.

Renante, father of slain 6-year-old Ellah Joy, joined about 70 people, mostly public school students, in a Walk for Justice around Minganilla town yesterday.

They carried banners that said “Justice for Ellah Joy.”

“Our fight isn’t just for Ellah Joy but for all children so that what happened to my daughter won’t happen again. We are doing this to call on victims of child abuse to come out and not to remain silent,” Renante said in Cebuano.

Yesterday marked the end of a nine-day novena for the first death anniversary of Ellah Joy.

On Feb. 8 last year, Ellah Joy was found dead at the foot of a ravine in Barili town after she was kidnapped outside the Calajo-an Elementary School in Minglanilla town.

The Walk for Justice was organized by the Franciscan Friars of Charity in Minglanilla.

Brother Peter Jerdinico of the Franciscan community said the rights of children should be protected at all times.

“We care for children. We believe they are the future of our community. Children shouldn’t be harmed nor killed. They should be protected and nurtured,” Jerdinico said.

He urged the government to intensify its campaign to protect children.

Renante said he considered Ellah Joy a “hero” since her death prompted local government units to intensify its campaign against pornography.

Bella Ruby Santos, a Cebuana, and her British partner Ian Charles Griffiths were identified by witnesses as the couple who convinced Ellah Joy to ride home with them in their Pajero. Santos and Griffiths are facing charges of kidnapping with homicide. Santos was arrested in a mall in Metro Manila in October last year. /ADOR VINCENT S. MAYOL