Mobile clinic brings Janssen vaccines to Bulacan relocation area

At least 300 dwellers at a relocation site in Pandi, Bulacan receive the one-shot Janssen vaccine against COVID-19. (Photo by Carmela Reyes-Estrope)

PANDI, Bulacan––Some 300 senior citizens and persons with illnesses in a relocation site in this town received the single-shot Janssen vaccines against COVID-19 on Thursday, July 29, authorities said.

A makeshift clinic using a bus brought the vaccines to Barangay Cacarong Bata to inoculate the recipients under the “Bulacan Accelerated Vaccination Program” of the provincial government and non-government organization Damayang Filipino.

Dr. Hjordis Marushka Celis, provincial COVID-19 task force vice chairman, said they distributed more than 70,000 Janssen doses that arrived last week to all the 21 towns and three cities of the province.

Some 3.2 million doses of the Janssen vaccine, made by Johson & Johnson, were donated to the Philippines by the United States through the COVAX global vaccine pool.

Gov. Daniel Fernando said they would also bring the mobile clinic to 18 other towns and three cities in Bulacan to speed up their vaccination drive. INQ
