2 gov’t workers nabbed for illegal drugs in Pampanga

ANGELES CITY, Pampanga—Two employees of the Porac municipal government were arrested in a buy-bust operation over the weekend.

Pampanga police director Col. Arnold Thomas Ibay said on Monday that Jerom Mallari, 30, and Angelito Lansang, 55, were arrested on Friday for selling “shabu” (crystal meth) to an undercover agent at the Porac municipal government compound.

Ibay said Mallari is an administrative aide at the Office of the Mayor, while Lansang is an administrative aide at the municipal rural health unit 1.

The police also took the municipal ambulance and a private motorcycle allegedly used by the suspects in selling illegal drugs.

Ibay said the two suspects were on the Porac police list of suspected drug personalities and considered “high-value individuals” because they are government employees.

The police allegedly confiscated from the duo six sachets of shabu weighing three grams worth P24,400 in the street market.

The two suspects are facing charges for violating the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
