BOC seizes smuggled carnivorous plants

BOC lost P900M due to undervaluation of rice imports — group

Photo from the Bureau of Customs

MANILA, Philippines—The Bureau of Customs and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources seized 276 pots of illegally imported carnivorous plants from Picargo Warehouse in Pasay City on Monday.

According to the BOC’s statement, plants were found inside 10 packages imported from the Netherlands after a 100% physical examination.

According to DENR officials, the plants were imported without the necessary Sanitary and Phytosanitary Import Clearance or CITES permits.

The plants were Drosera, Nepenthes, Dionaea, Sarracenia, Pinguicula, and Cephalotus, valued at P150,000.

Collection and trade of the insect-eating plants are banned under Republic Act No.9147 also known as the Philippine Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act with such organisms already been declared as critically endangered.

The plants were turned over to the DENR for rehabilitation and care pursuant to Section 11 of RA 9147 and Section 1147 of RA 10863, also known as the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act, and Section 8 of Customs Administrative Order No.10-2020.

The DENR will file criminal charges on the smugglers in violation of RA 9147. Case records of the subject shipment will be referred to the Bureau Action Team Against Smugglers, Legal Service of the BOC for further case build-up and also for violation of Section 1401 of CMTA.
