Man dies while working on electric wiring

A maintenance worker  died after he was electrocuted while fixing the electrical wiring at  a client’s house in Quezon City on Monday.

Case investigator SPO2 Roldan Dapat said Albert Deploso, 30, was already dead when he was found inside the ceiling of the house of Francisco Narciso in La Vista Subdivision, Barangay Pansol.

Deploso’s body  was discovered with minor burns on the face and left arm at around 6 p.m. by a helper in the household.

The household staff said they last saw Deploso alive at around 4 p.m. when he climbed up the ceiling of a bathroom at the maid’s quarters.

A helper, Ebony del Rosario, said she returned to the room several hours later and noticed the ladder used by the victim still inside the room.

Thinking that  Deploso was taking his time, she decided to check on his progress. Del Rosario said the victim was already dead when she found him.

Dapat said the victim could have been electrocuted as shown by the burns on his body.

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