Who’s talking?

The movie is “The King’s Speech.” It revolves around George VI, also known as Bertie, who reluctantly takes the throne of England when his brother, Edward, abdicates in 1936. His problem: he could not talk straight because he always stutters. The unprepared king turns to a radical speech therapist, Lionel Logue and the two forged a special friendship.

I saw that movie two years ago and hands down, it deserved the four Oscar Awards including Best Picture and Best Actor (Colin Firth).

George VI needed to talk to his people as King of England but was overcome by his nervous stutter. Who’d like to listen to a king who had great difficulty in talking? Yet because of this handicap, the bond between King George and commoner Lionel was cemented.

If something great happened to England even if her King could  hardly be understood, imagine what it would be like if we hear a person talking clearly!

Everyone talks. I talk to my dog Kaela and she’s trained to listen. Those with green thumb talk to their plants to make them grow. Tired people talk in their sleep and their bedmates get alarmed.

Mothers talk to their children and unfortunately, some talk back. Teachers talk in the classroom and students learn (if they listen at all). Politicians talk to constituents and whether people still believe them is a question. Priests talk on the pulpit and some gets convicted while others are passive. Everybody talks.

Does God talk? And what happens when He does?

In Genesis chapter 17, God talked to Abraham about his wife Sarai: “I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her. I will bless her so that she will be the mother of nations; kings of peoples will come from her.” And 90-year Sarai bore their son named Isaac.

St. John recorded in His gospel that Jesus, after saying a prayer of thanks to God at the grave of His friend Lazarus, spoke in a loud voice and said, “Lazarus, come out.”  And Lazarus was alive again.

We read in the gospel of St. Matthew that as soon as Jesus was baptized, the heaven was opened, and the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him and a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” And with this, the ministry of Jesus to save mankind began.

Let’s backtrack to the beginning of it all. In Genesis when the world began, for six days God spoke about what He wanted the world to have. And then there was day and night, sky, water and land, trees and vegetation, stars, animals, and food in the land. There is much power when God speaks that even His mere breath brought life to Man.

And then He rested on the seventh day.

If we have time to listen to politician’s promises, mushy sentiments of teleserye actors, or the gossips of the neighbors, how could we not make time to listen to God’s voice?

Last Monday, someone simply passed the word “tsunami” and metro Cebu panicked! Malls closed, work stopped, classes suspended, traffic jammed, people rushed to stay in the high buildings, and some ran off to the mountains. And just because someone spoke the word “tsunami” after a strong quake that noontime.

God’s Word is Power. It is Truth. And if our hearts are attuned only to what He says, we will be free from  anxieties, doubts and fear.

God’s voice stills a restless heart. It endures us in a way that we are able to go through problems with a smile on our face.

God’s Word fills empty hearts. What is the barren place in your life right now? Quiet your heart. Strain all your senses to listen to what God may be telling you right now.

Go to the mountains, to the desert just like Jesus did when He got tired in His ministry and before He faces a crowd and shows a miracle. In the mountain and the desert there is silence and peace. And He knows these are places where He can hear His Father speak in volumes.

When you’re tired and weary, confused and angry, scared and helpless, leave the noise around you. Go to your own mountain or desert (it can be your room or before God in the Blessed Sacrament). Be still. And know that there’s God who will talk and tell you what to do.

You just need to listen and pray to Him.

When you pray, something good happens. God speaks.

And when God speaks, there are miracles forthcoming.

Whose voice would you like to hear now?