DOH rejects ‘vaccine passes’ for easy access

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) on Friday said it was not in favor of “vaccine passes” that would allow vaccinated persons unlimited access to business establishments, since there was no sufficient evidence just yet that people inoculated with existing vaccines can no longer infect others.

Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said at an online press briefing that the department was not in favor of the measure reportedly being pushed by the Department of Trade and Industry.

“No, we do not agree with this system. For now, even if you are fully vaccinated with two doses, you still need to follow minimum health protocols,” she said in Filipino.

Vergeire explained that the DOH’s hesitance to support a vaccine pass is due to the absence of proof that vaccinated people cannot get sick nor infect others.

“We also have not given any assurances that vaccines can prevent mild to moderate infections,” Vergeire said, adding that current studies only say that vaccines can reduce the risk for severe COVID-19 infections and hospitalization.

Earlier, the health department said it would consider issuing vaccine passports, but for border control purposes.

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its guidelines for vaccinated persons. The CDC said fully vaccinated people no longer need to mask up and practice social distancing.