Transform EDSA to green avenue, environmental groups urge

A movement of private sector leaders and environment advocates on Thursday called for the transformation of the Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (Edsa), the main Metro Manila traffic corridor, into an iconic green avenue as a response to the climate crisis.

During the global Earth Day celebration on Thursday, the Green Edsa Movement noted that the deterioration of Edsa’s utility and aesthetics is “a deplorable situation that calls for urgent and immediate action.”

In their manifesto, the movement said traffic congestion and air pollution are major contributors of toxic emissions and greenhouse gases.Greenhouse gases, the convenors noted, “have dire consequences in terms of climate change, human health deterioration, restricted people mobility, impaired social interaction and economic costs.”

By enjoining government officials, business owners and other stakeholders to push for a “green” Edsa, the movement hopes to restore lost sidewalk space in Edsa, reduce car lanes and replace them with efficient mass transit.They said reclaimed space in the major thoroughfare could be used to widen sidewalks and plant trees on both sides of the avenue.The movement’s vision of a green Edsa includes “a calmer, tree-lined and landscaped thoroughfare, with wide sidewalks conducive to walking and promenading.”

During the virtual event, Eduardo Yap, chair of the movement’s core conveners group, lauded the current “transformation reforms” that prioritize people’s mobility over cars through “the judicious use of road space.”