Pope Francis to Filipinos: ‘Freely receive, freely give’

Pope Francis delivers his Urbi et Orbi Blessing, after celebrating Easter Mass on April 04, 2021 at St. Peter’s Basilica in The Vatican during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / POOL / AFP)

MANILA, Philippines — “You are generous. You are bountiful. You know how to celebrate the feast of faith. Don’t lose that even in the midst of difficulties.”

This was Pope Francis’ message to millions of Filipino Catholics on Easter Sunday, when the country formally opened the yearlong Jubilee celebration of 500 years of Christianity.

Amid their struggle to battle the pandemic, the Pope encouraged Filipinos to continue transmitting their faith to others while thanking God for the gift of Christianity.

“During this Jubilee Year, Jesus’ words guide us: ‘Freely you have received, freely give.’ These words are an invitation to thank God for the persons who have transmitted you the faith,” Pope Francis said in a video message to Filipinos.

“And I am a witness that you know how to transmit the faith, and you do it well, be it in your own country or abroad,” the Pope added.

In his seven-minute video message, Pope Francis also reminded Filipinos of the three mysteries of their faith, which he said characterized “the most profound Christian roots of your people”—Nazareth, the Cross and Pentecost.

When Filipinos opened their doors to Santo Niño, the pontiff said they transmitted to their children the same faith that they had received from their parents.