Sinas tests positive for coronavirus

Gen. Debold Sinas, the chief of the Philippine National Police, has tested positive for the coronavirus.

But Brig. Gen. Ildebrandi Usana, speaking for the PNP on Thursday, said there was nothing to worry about Sinas’ condition.“Just send prayers for the chief,” Usana told the Inquirer.

The PNP press officer said Sinas was asymptomatic.

“He has consistently tested negative for [the coronavirus] in previous tests. It was only today that the test result came out from his March 9 swab and it was positive,” Usana said.

Sinas, 55, presided over a news conference at PNP headquarters in Camp Crame, Quezon City, on Wednesday to announce the donation by the US Embassy of an F550 muscle truck for use by the PNP highway patrol group.The PNP advised people who had come in contact with Sinas to watch their condition and seek medical attention if they feel flu-like symptoms.

As of Wednesday, 11,896 policemen have tested positive for the coronavirus. So far, 11,193 have recovered. —Jeannette I. Andrade