Man charged for mauling boy

CHARGES were filed in court against a man accused of mauling a 13-year-old boy in Cebu City.

Bernard Calaba is facing charges for violating Republic Act 7610 or the Anti-Child Abuse Law.

Bail was recommended at P20,000.

The alleged mauling happened in May 27, 2011.

In his affidavit, the boy said he was alone at home when Calaba called him.

The boy said Calaba called him “gago (stupid)” while grabbing his nape.

The boy said he cried when he was punched in the face by Calaba.

He said he was later brought to the man’s house where he was kicked in the chest by Calaba.

Not contented, the boy said Calaba punched him and took a knife while threatening to kill him.

The boy said the wife of Calaba later asked him to leave.

The boy reported the incident to his parents, who then filed a complaint against Calaba./ADOR VINCENT S. MAYOL