Junjun Davide’s challenge

With the 2013 election a year away, the political pot is boiling early.  But I think  this is a practical development given the peculiar situation in Cebu. In the province, the  Liberal Party’s Junjun Davide is not getting the support of former senator Sonny Osmeña basically over leadership issues, especially in Davide’s attempt to run for governor  again. Is Sonny Osmeña’s support pivotal for Davide’s political quest? Some say the situation is no longer like before. Sonny is out of politics and hasn’t been active for years. Others say one can’t ignore the importance of his support. What’s important is for Davide to strike a deal with the Bakud Party of the Durano clan in order to bring Vice Gov. Agnes Magpale in Davide’s ticket.

The Alayon Party of 1st District Rep. Eddie Gullas has committed to support Gov. Gwen Garcia if she decides to run for the Senate. This  opens Alayon for a possible tactical alliance with the Liberal Party. It’s also possible for Magpale to be accommodated by One Cebu as gubernatorial candidate with Gwen Garcia as vice governor to keep the formidable team intact for 2013.  Or Gwen’s daughter  Christina Codilla could run as vice governor if the Garcias are willing to let go of their leadership in the province.

Whatever the final ticket, the Magpale factor can’t be ignored by either the Liberal Party or One Cebu. Davide can’t be ignored either as Cebu province chairman of the Liberal Party, the administration party. Political developments  in Cebu province are getting more exciting.

In Cebu City, Rep. Tommy Osmeña has already announced his comeback bid for the mayorship in 2013 with Vice Mayor Joy Young as his running mate and some incumbent councilors running under his wing. He recently announced that the Bando Osmeña-Pundok Kauswaan (BO-PK) is not dependent on any national party and may decide not to work with the Liberal Party of President Aquino.

The falling out  would be an advantage to incumbent Mayor Mike Rama in the 2013 election. Is Rama’s slate ready? Osmeña’s BO-PK ticket is complete. I reckon that Rama has already quietly drawn it up and is just waiting for the right time to announce his lineup.

As the mayor’s cousin, I have no personal knowledge who’s on it because Mike is keeping the list close to his  chest. He’s been quietly mending political fences to ensure victory regardless of who his opponent is.

I’m sure Rama will put up a good fight in  2013 given his experience working with Osmeña for almost 20 years. Another plus factor for Rama is the support he’ll get from the Liberal Party, not so much financial backing but the credentials as the party’s official candidate. This itself would invite other potential candidates.

It’s difficult to predict the outcome of the 2013 election with many things that could still happen ahead. But it will surely be a royal battle between two parties who used to be a single force that was so strong in the last 2010 elections.

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On a personal note,  I’d  like to inform our readers that I’m back in  my TV program “Hello Cebu, Maayong Buntag Pinoy” at Channel 47 of the Cebu Catholic TV network every Thursday from 7:30 to 9 in the morning with Divine Marcial Flores. I also have a new program  on Channel 28, the Wealth TV that has been transformed to My TV, every Monday.  Attorney Eddie Barrita is my co-host in “My Politics.”