Nene Pimentel to Llamas: Thousands of eyes are watching

MANILA, Philippines—Former senator Aquilino “Nene” Pimentel Jr. has some  advice for President Benigno Aquino’s embattled political adviser,  Ronald Llamas: don’t even try to buy illegal stuff, even though it is openly sold anywhere.

“Huwag na kasing bumili ng hindi dapat bilhin (Don’t buy anything you’re not supposed to),” he said in a round-table discussion on climate change at the University of Makati on Tuesday.

Pimentel, who was with Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Ramon Paje at the forum, made the statement in reaction to a question from the audience about illegal mining and illegal logging.

Asked to expound on his comment, Pimentel told the Inquirer after the forum that Llamas’ act of buying pirated DVDs at a mall in Quezon City on January 23, photographed by Inquirer Bandera associate editor Dona Policar, was “insensitive to the position that he holds as a presidential adviser.”

He added that it might not be illegal under current anti-piracy laws, but it still sends the wrong message.

“It is probably taboo, and it’s not against the law,” Pimentel said. “But it appears to condone the production, trading, and selling of illegal DVDs.”

The former senator, who said he became acquainted with Llamas in the fight against the Marcos dictatorship,  urged his friend to watch his every step carefully.

“I want to tell him to be a little more careful and more vigilant of his actions, as all eyes are on him,” Pimentel said, noting that they have not talked since the incident.

“That’s really the nature of the job, especially if you are in the Cabinet. People look at you, looking for fissures in your character that can be used to demean you.”

Even if Llamas has apologized to the President and even admitted he forgets at times that he is “no longer a regular guy,” Pimentel said he should all the more be careful.

“Thousands of eyes are watching,” he said.