Rob suspects falls

POLICE arrested two young men accused of robbing a bakeshop in barangay Labogon, Mandaue City.

Police said witnesses identified Renato Evangelista, 18, and Joven Estrera, 18, as the ones who robbed Charles 7 Bakeshop around 2 a.m. last Thursday.

Rowena Sorono, the bakeshop’s 18-year-old cashier, told police that two men poked ice picks at her and declared a holdup.

The robbers took P3,900 of the bakeshop’s proceeds and fled.

With the help of witnesses, police were able to locate Evangelista and Estrera in barangay Pusok.

Police said that during the arrest, a small sachet of suspected shabu, aluminum foil, disposable lighters and an ice pick were seized from Evangelista.

Police said P1,500 cash was recovered from Estrera.

The two men were detained at the Mandaue City police station pending the filing of charges against them./CORRESPONDENT NORMAN V. MENDOZA