‘World’s unluckiest burglars’ pocket dial police during break-in, arrested


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Two burglars were arrested while breaking into a home in Staffordshire in the United Kingdom after one of them accidentally pocket dialed the police.

One of the men had apparently sat on his phone and dialed 999, the official emergency number in the UK, without them noticing. Officers then listened in as the pair carried out their burglary, as per The Guardian on Jan. 7.

Shortly after the call, a team of policemen arrived at the home to catch the 49- and 42-year-old men. Authorities arrested them on suspicion of burglary.

Following the incident, chief inspector John Owen poked fun at the pair, whom he dubbed the “world’s unluckiest burglars.”

“We [received] a call detailing all of their antics up to the point of hearing our patrols arrive to arrest them,” he recalled on his Twitter page. Owen also included a GIF of the character Marv in the “Home Alone” movies, seemingly likening the recently caught pair to the fictional man.

Marv was one of the silly burglars in the films who were eventually outsmarted by the young protagonist, Kevin McCallister. Ryan Arcadio /ra


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