PNP warns of fake General Sinas account on Facebook

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police (PNP) warned the public on Wednesday of a fake account made to look as though it belonged to Gen. Debold Sinas, chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP).

In a statement, the PNP said the fake account — which had been taken down as of this writing — was engaged in swindling.

“The Philippine National Police warns netizens of an online poser engaged in estafa and swindling activities using a fake Facebook account purportedly owned by PNP Chief, Debold M Sinas,” the PNP said.

“That’s not me. I do not have a personal webpage or social network account except the official PNP webpage at and the official PNP Facebook page at which are the only authorized platform for social network correspondence with the Chief, PNP,” Sinas said.

The PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group (ACG), which is headed by Brig. Gen. Marvin Manuel Pepino, was ordered to investigate and “initiate appropriate legal action against the creators and owners” of the fake account.

“According to Pepino, the bogus account had an earliest public posting on November 25, 2020 and latest public posting on December 12, 2020,” the PNP said.

“The account has only 3 public photos posted including the standard photo of the CPNP for command activities and the donning of ranks in the Malacañang Palace with President Rodrigo Roa Duterte,” Pepino explained.

Pepino said whoever was behind the fake account had been using the Facebook Messenger app to chat with unsuspecting victims who were asking favors.  In exchange for the favor, the account owner would ask for payment.

“The PNP-ACG is now in the process of securing a Court Order for Warrant to Disclose Computer Data (WDCD) for Facebook, Telecommunication Companies (TelCos) and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) based on complaint affidavits of victims/complainants or their legal representatives,” the PNP said.

“Pepino said the creator and owner of the fake account may be held liable for Computer-Related Identity Theft under RA 10175 wherein the complaining victim is the Chief PNP; and for violation of Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code for Swindling/Estafa upon the complaint of victims,” it added.

The PNP also reminded netizens to be mindful of who they follow on social media and to be more discerning of posts and accounts online.

“The use of Chief, PNP’s name, photos and other items appearing to be attributed to his person was apparently a devious act by unscrupulous individuals using the social media to malign the PNP top leadership,” Brig. Gen. Ildebrandi Usana, PNP spokesperson, said.

“We also advise FB account holders and the netizens to be prudent, discerning and judicious at everything they see in the social media. Some of the things seen in social media do not anymore reflect the truth and legitimacy of the information and tend to destroy the reputations of innocent individuals,” Usana added.
