Women’s group to gov’t: Ratify convention calling for end of violence at work

MANILA, Philippines — The Gabriela Partylist urged the Philippine government to ratify the new International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 190 which sought to end violence and harassment in the workplace.

Under House Resolution No. 1404, the women’s partylist, along with Bayan Muna, ACT Teachers Partylist and Kabataan Partylist, urged the ratification of the convention to address the “gaps in policy-making regarding violence against women workers.”

“Now therefore be it resolved, that the House of Representiatives express its sense urging the Philippine government through the Senate to ratify ILO Convention No. 190 on ending violence and harassment at work,” read the resolution.

The lawmakers said the convention would help national agencies, non-government organizations, trade unions and civil society groups to create concrete mechanisms and programs on work-related violence and harassment.