Storm sends Mayon lahar blocking roads in Albay town

LIGAO CITY—Roads connecting three villages in Guinobatan town, Albay province were rendered impassable to motor vehicles after heavy rains spawned by Tropical Storm Pepito sent volcanic deposits from Mount Mayon rushing down.

Roads between the villages of Centro Poblacion, Maninila and Tandarora were covered with lahar and debris from Mayon following unceasing rains on Tuesday (Oct. 20) in the Bicol region, according to Joy Lim Ranola Maravillas, Guinobatan disaster risk reduction manager.

The volcanic deposits blocked the roads around 1 p.m., making these impassable to light and heavy vehicles, Maravillas said.

Despite the heavy rain, Maravillas said no preemptive evacuation was ordered for residents living at the foot of the volcano.