From Oct 3, up to 100 people, including the wedding couple, are allowed at wedding receptions. The Straits Times/Asia News Network
SINGAPORE — Since Singapore completed its major Covid-19 reboot on June 1, the economy has been reopening cautiously, an effort that is being done in three phases.
Here’s a look at how the nation is breathing life back into work and businesses, while going all out to keep the virus at bay.
• The last day of the circuit breaker, which started on April 7 and saw life in Singapore hit something of a standstill. For instance, dining-in was no longer an option.
• Singapore enters day one of phase one of the reopening, with more businesses and activities progressively allowed. For instance, parents and grandparents can receive up to two visitors at once from the same household. Schools can also reopen, but only some students have to attend daily lessons.
• China becomes the first country to establish a bilateral green lane with Singapore.
• Singapore moves into phase two of the reopening. More businesses gradually reopen and some workers are allowed back to the workplace, with safeguards in place. Dining-in is also permitted, and households can receive up to five visitors.
Dining-in was permitted as Singapore moved into phase two. The Straits Times/Asia News Network/JASON QUAH
• The number of people allowed at marriage solemnizations is expanded to 50 people, from the previous cap of 20 people.
• Up to 30 people may be present at any one time at wakes and funerals, from the previous cap of 20 people.
AUG 17
• Singapore and Malaysia residents are allowed to travel between the two countries for business under the Reciprocal Green Lane and Periodic Commuting Arrangement schemes.
AUG 19
• All dormitories are cleared of Covid-19, including standalone blocks in purpose-built dormitories, which serve as isolation/quarantine facilities.
AUG 29
• Lucky Plaza and Peninsula Plaza have odd-even entry restrictions on weekends, based on the last digit of a visitor’s identity card or foreign identification card, as part of measures to limit crowds.
• Covid-19 testing is expanded to groups such as taxi and private-hire car drivers and food delivery personnel.
People queue to take swab tests at Block 50A Marine Terrace on Sept 19, 2020. The Straits Times/Asia News Network/KELVIN CHNG
• Singapore allows general travel to Brunei and New Zealand, as well as for students studying overseas.
• Brunei and Singapore agree to establish a Reciprocal Green Lane to facilitate essential travel.
• More public spaces within Sport Singapore facilities, parks and HDB common areas are opened up for large outdoor exercise classes, with certain safeguards.
• Fast-lane arrangements, which allow for essential business and official travel between Singapore and South Korea, begin.
• More senior-centric activities resume.
An elderly resident collects the TraceTogether token at Jalan Besar Community Club on Sept 14, 2020. The Straits Times/Asia News Network/CHONG JUN LIANG
• Small-scale live performances at selected arts venues being piloted.
• Entry restrictions at four popular markets fully eased, although there will be a cap on the number of people allowed in at any one time.
• The Government commences nationwide distribution of TraceTogether tokens, with the aim to complete the distribution by November.
• All travelers from India who are not Singaporeans or permanent residents have to take a Covid-19 test before their flight to Singapore.
A passenger at the arrival hall of Changi Airport Terminal 3 on Aug 26, 2020. The Straits Times/Asia News Network
• Singapore and Japan agree to launch a green lane for essential business and official travel for residents from both countries.
• A new business travel pass is being piloted for senior executives in Singapore with regional or international responsibilities who need to travel overseas regularly for official and business purposes.
• Children under the age of six are no longer required by law to wear masks, up from the previous age limit of two.
• More employees who can work from home can now opt to return to the workplace if certain conditions are fulfilled.
• Singapore Tourism Board starts accepting applications for organizers to pilot meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions of up to 250 attendees.
• Up to 100 people, including the wedding couple, are allowed at wedding receptions, up from the previous cap of 50.
• All religious organizations can conduct services for up to 100 people, with safe distancing and safe management measures in place.
• Live music during worship services can resume at 16 religious organizations.
• Religious organizations that wish to participate in the pilot to increase crowd limits to 250 can apply to do so, provided they have first safely and steadily conducted worship services for 100 people.
All religious organizations can conduct services for up to 100 people, with safe distancing and safe management measures in place. The Straits Times/Asia News Network/KUA CHEE SIONG
• Applications for the residence track between Singapore and Japan will begin. This track is for business executives and professionals who are work pass holders, and it will be carried out with the necessary public health safeguards in place.
• Nineteen mosques will increase their capacity for daily congregational prayers from 50 to 100, in line with national guidelines. Seniors who wish to visit the mosques can now also do so.
• Singapore will unilaterally lift border restrictions to visitors from Australia – excluding Victoria state – and Vietnam.
OCT 17
• People who want to visit Sentosa’s beaches during peak periods, including weekends and public holidays, will have to make reservations first.