Defense accused of ‘trial by technicalities’

MANILA, Philippines—The prosecution on Tuesday accused the defense panel of doing a “trial by technicalities” to dodge and delay the presentation of documents.

House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II said the defense panel has been raising technicalities “because of the strength of our evidence…”
“The defense is hell bent on preventing these document from coming out,” Marikina City Representative Romero Quimbo, spokesman for the prosecution, said in a press conference.

“The defense will continue to do what they have been doing since day one,” Quimbo said regarding the raising of objections and technicalities by the defense.

Aurora Representative Juan Edgardo Angara noted that Chief Justice Renato Corona said in his speech at the Supreme Court on the eve of the start of impeachment trial that he would answer the complaints point-by-point.

“But he has not made any substantial answer to the points,” Angara said, adding the Chief Magistrate’s defense team has instead been raising technicalities.

Gonzales said that the prosecution already has the evidence but the defense “does not want to talk about.”

Quimbo, meanwhile, welcomed Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile’s ruling that issues regarding technicalities on the evidence would take place after the presentation has been completed.