25 reasons to run a 25K ultramathon

Why run the First All-Women Ultramarathon 50K on March 10, 2011?

1. Because it’s a landmark race – the first EVER ultramarathon in the country that’s EXCLUSIVE to the fairer sex.

2. Because with 10 hours cut-off, it’s going to be slow and easy, not to mention fun.

3. Because it’s very doable even for newbies. A 10-hour cut-off translates to a minimum of 5 kilometers per hour. That’s like a walk in the park. There will be running clinics to guide first timers in their training and to help them anticipate race-day scenarios.

4. Because this point to point race starting at Ayala Active Zone and ending at the Rendezvous Beach in Mactan is going to be held at night, 10 p.m. on March 10, 2012 till 8 a.m. the next day. This means we need not worry about sun damage and premature skin ageing – legitimate concerns even for hardcore runners like me.

5. Because it’s a green run. There will be no disposable cups at the aid stations. Runners will be required to bring their own hydration bottles, to be refilled at the stations found every 5 kilometers.

6. Because there will be less carbon footprint. Individual support vehicles won’t be allowed. With aid stations at 5-kilometer intervals, you won’t need a mobile crew.

7. Because you need not worry about support logistics, making this ultramarathon one of the most affordable ever. See numbers 6 and 7.

8. Because the registration fee is only P700. That’s P14 per kilometer. Definitely cheaper than the regular runs where they ask you to shell out P700 for a 5k which translates to P140 per kilometer or even a 10k which translates to P70 per kilometer.

9. Because there will be food, hydration, leg rubs, medicines and most anything that a runner will need at the pit stops and at the finishline. The reason I know this for sure is found on number 10.

10. Because it’s organized by the Cebu Ultra Runners Club and the Ungo Runners. These two groups, along with volunteers from the other running clubs and running sub-groups have never failed nor let any runner down in terms of providing volunteer support in all of the ultramarathons held in Cebu in the past two years. Just ask any of the runners not from Cebu who have joined ultramarathon held in Cebu.

11. Because the camaraderie amongst runners and supporters is priceless. You won’t find anything like it in the shorter race or even the 42k.

12. Because you’re much stronger than you think you are — much stronger than most men in fact.

13. Because women, with their high tolerance for pain, suffering and boredom, make great ultrarunners and endurance athletes.

14. Because training for and running an ultramarathon is the best form of escape – from an overbearing in-law, unappreciative spouse, bills that need to be paid, or whatever it is that’s wearing you down making you want to explode or burst in spontaneous combustion.

15. Because it will help you keep your sanity intact when the multitasking at home and at work seem too much. (See number 14.)

16. Because training for and running the First All-Women Ultramarathon 50K will give you your much deserved “me” time.

17. Because training for an ultramarathon will make you healthier and more energetic.

18. Because training for an ultramarathon is an opportunity to shed off all the pregnancy fat (for good) and build your best body ever – even better than when you were in your 20’s.

19. Because training for an ultramarathon has many incidental benefits such as making you better in bed or make you feel more confident (if you aren’t already).

20. Because training or running an ultramarathon is definitely not just for the young. (The late Melinda Ponce ran and won ultramarathons in her fifties and after a full hysterectomy).

21. Because there’s going to be a finisher’s medal to memorialize your victory.

22. Because it’s going to be an achievement not many – whether man or woman – are capable of. After crossing the finishline of the First All-Women Ultramarathon 50K, you will have turned yourself into a Renaissance woman saying goodbye permanently to a uni-dimensional existence.

23. Because you will make your loved ones, especially your kids super proud of you.

24. Because you will make yourself proud.

25. Because it will make you fully alive.

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