Crips gang members killed in victim’s home

TWO Crips gang members were shot dead after they entered a neighbor’s house and attacked him with a knife in barangay Marigondon, Lapu-Lapu City, Sunday night.

Ceslie Jade Cases, 18, and Denmark Espinosa, 20, of barangay Marigondon were found dead by responding police.

Cases was shot in the chest while Espinosa was shot in the head.

Both young men were earlier spotted attacking 24-year-old Warren Espinosa, also a Marigondon resident, said police.

Warren was about to have dinner at home when Cases and Denmark entered his house and stabbed him several times in the back and left arm.

Neighbors heard gunfire but could not identify who shot Cases and Denmark.

The gunman was not identified.

Denmark fell to the ground still holding a knife while Cases managed to call for help from neighbors.

The three men were rushed to the Lapu-Lapu City Hospital but Cases and Denmark were declared dead on arrival.

Warren was later transferred to a hospital in Cebu City. Police found one kitchen knife measuring 8.5 inches and one fan knife. Correspondent Norman V. Mendoza