DTI: Swab tests in industries only for sick workers

Only workers in the hospitality and tourism industries, manufacturing and other economic-priority businesses who are showing symptoms of COVID-19 are required to undergo swab tests, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) said on Monday.

In a radio interview, Trade Secretary Ramon Lopez said the joint memorandum issued by the DTI and the Department of Labor and Employment (Dole) requiring workers from selected industries to undergo real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests just followed Department of Health (DOH) guidelines.

‘Not required’

“Actually, the portion of our memorandum on swab testing just followed the DOH memorandum that requires PCR testing only for those who are symptomatic,” Lopez said.

“That is what is required—testing for those who are sick. But testing is not required for workers who are not sick,” he said.

“Basically, the DOH memorandum says the workers may be tested regularly, but it is not required,” he added.

Lopez clarified the matter after the Dole reported on Sunday that workers from many sectors of the economy would be required to undergo PCR tests to prevent the transmission of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19 in offices and factories.

A statement from the Dole quoted Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III as saying the tests would be paid for by Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth).

In his radio interview on Monday, Lopez said the cost of the tests should be shouldered by employers, but added that employers could let health insurance firms handle the costs. INQ