Jobless man stabs neighbors

Police nabbed a jobless man after he allegedly broke into a neighbor’s house and stabbed a mother and daughter whom the suspect tried to molest on Friday in Quezon City.

Case investigator PO2 Benjie Butac said Randy Herrera, 30, a resident of Kasunduan Extension in Barangay Batasan Hills,  was arrested after the mother and daughter complained of the alleged assault of the suspect, who lives on the same street.

The 13-year-old daughter and her mother told police the incident happened at around 3 a.m. Friday while they were both sleeping soundly.

The girl was jolted awake when she felt a stranger touching her and shouted for help.

Her mother rushed to her daughter’s aid and pulled the suspect away.

But Herrera allegedly turned on the mother, stabbing her and the girl.

Neighbors who were awaken by the commotion came to the rescue of the victims. Julie M. Aurelio