When daring Dragon comes roaring in

(Editor’s Note: George Sison is the author of the best-selling books “A Miracle Awaits You,” “I Am A Winner: Feng Shui of the Mind” and “Soul Spa: 24/7 Meditations.”)

The water dragon makes its entrance at 3:39 p.m. of Jan. 23.

When the dragon comes roaring in, it is saying, “I have come to disperse the dark clouds for I am the center of all energy and I hold the power and glory. After all, I am the dragon.”

Although the Water Dragon is the least imperious of the five types (the others are metal, wood, fire and earth), it will still be a year of all kinds of exhilarating, colossal, grandiose, daring and spectacular projects.

The dragon spirit will expand everything to larger-than-life size. It is no wonder so many are planning to have babies this year. (RH Bill, HELP!)

Yes, the Water Dragon will emphasize optimum growth and expansion. It is even willing to put its ego aside for the good of all.

Being the least opinionated and selfish of the dragons, it is also democratic and liberal-minded, and can accept defeat and rejection with grace and without bitterness.

The Water Dragon is reputed to be inhibited, but progress is written all over its character.

A word of caution: Though it is true that the generous and enthusiastic dragon showers its blessings indiscriminately on all, we must keep in mind that the mythical dragon has a way of disappearing when the time comes and retribution has to be made for our errors.

Remember that the dragon magnifies both successes and nonsuccesses equally. Thank God water has a calming and beneficial effect on it.

‘90 gods descending’

Ironically, the Water Dragon will make its presence felt in 2012, when many people are of the belief that the world will end because the Mayan calendar did not go beyond 2012.

Nothing can be farthest from the truth!

The Maya were not talking about planetary conditions but a change in the consciousness of the world—from one of lack and limitation to one where the human potential is expanded in awareness and expression, resulting in the creation of a truly different, magnificent world.

Yes, it will be the end of the old world and the beginning of a new earth where every person awakens to the presence of God within each one.

The only inscription you will find in the Mayan calendar is that there will be “90 gods descending,” which is simply a symbol of the dawning of spirituality on this planet.

Blessings for Dragons

This is what’s in store for the animal signs of the lunar calendar:

Dragon. It’s his year! Numerous blessings are in store for him. He gains recognition and progresses dramatically in his work.

Dragon and Aries affirm: I am rich, well and happy and every phase of my life is in Divine Order now.

Snake. A year to avoid extravagances. Things improve by the middle of the year.

Snake and Taurus affirm: Divine Wisdom guides me in all my endeavors now.

Horse. A time to focus on the brighter side of life. Cultivate friendships and win over the antagonist.

Horse and Gemini affirm: I am loving, precious and beloved.

Sheep. No gambling and no drastic changes should be contemplated. A frenetic but relatively stable year.

Sheep and Cancer affirm: I am trusting, flowing and relaxed.

Monkey. A year of gains in the form of knowledge and technical know-how.

Monkey and Leo affirm: I am knowing, conscious and aware.

Power for Roosters

Rooster. A year of occupying lead positions and the power to make things happen.

Rooster and Virgo affirm: I am powerful, masterful and magnetic.

Dog. Time to join forces with others rather than act independently.

Dog and Libra affirm: I am receptive, adapting and surrendering.

Pig. A year of smooth sailing. The pig gets the support of people in power and the respect of his associates.

Pig and Scorpio affirm: I am prospering, flourishing and successful.

Rat. An excellent year for business. Romantic prospects are bright.

Rat and Sagittarius affirm: I am receiving, exceptional and enchanting.

Ox. Goals will be realized but not as quickly as expected. The delays will prove to be blessings.

Ox and Capricorn affirm: I am realizing, unfolding and discovering.

Tiger. Many changes for his own good but the Tiger may not see it that way.

Tiger and Aquarius affirm: I am flowing, peaceful and serene.

Rabbit. Powerful new friends come forth. Overall gains exceed setbacks.

Rabbit and Pisces affirm: I am masterful, expansive and magnetic.

Added insights

For additional insights, one can combine the Western and Eastern signs, as indicated in the chart above.

Observe that the Dragon is the equivalent of the Western sign of Aries and the Snake is the equivalent of the Western sign of Taurus. Thus, if you were born in the Year of the Dragon and you are a Taurean, you may read the indications for both the Dragon and the Snake.

Let us take President Aquino as an example. He was born in the Year of the Rat, but his birthday being Feb. 8, an Aquarian sign, the equivalent of which is a Tiger in the Eastern zodiac, he may read both the Rat and the Tiger to discover a more extensive version of what’s in store for him in the Year of the Water Dragon.

Therefore, the President can look forward to a good business year, and romantic interludes to boot (Rat). But there will be many changes that he may not agree are for his own good (Tiger).

Kung hei fat choi!


Aries Dragon      1916       1928       1940       1952       1964       1976       1988       2000       2012

Taurus Snake     1917       1929       1941       1953       1965       1977       1989       2001       2013

Gemini Horse    1906       1918       1930       1942       1954       1966       1978       1990       2002

Cancer Sheep    1907       1919       1931       1943       1955       1967       1979       1991       2003

Leo Monkey       1908       1920       1932       1944       1956       1968       1980       1992       2004

Virgo Rooster    1909       1921       1933       1945       1957       1969       1981       1993       2005

Libra Dog             1910       1922       1934       1946       1958       1970       1982       1994       2006

Scorpio Pig          1911       1923       1935       1947       1959       1971       1983       1995       2007

Sagittarius Rat 1912         1924       1936       1948       1960       1972       1984       1996       2008

Capricorn Ox      1913       1925       1937       1949       1961       1973       1985       1997       2009

Aquarius Tiger   1914       1926       1938       1950       1962       1974       1986       1998       2010

Pisces Rabbit      1915       1927       1939       1951       1963       1975       1987       1999       2011