Solon to SSS: Address loan delays, long queues in most branches nationwide

Rufus Rodriguez, Cagayan de Oro

Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez. Image from his Facebook page

MANILA, Philippines — A lawmaker is urging the Social Security System (SSS) to release additional funding to its branches amid reported long queues and delays in application of loans.

Cagayan De Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, in filing House Resolution 1093, noted that there are long queues in SSS branches as members and retirees apply for loans, and retirement, death, maternity, and other benefits, or remitting their premium contributions.

Many SSS offices are unable to accommodate the long lines of loan applicants due to lack of personnel and equipment, which ultimately result in delays in the processing and release of loans and benefits, he claimed.

He cited as example the case of two SSS branches in Cagayan de Oro located in Barangay Carmen and Barangay Lapasan.

“Due to COVID-19, people were not able to transact for the past few months and are now going to these two branches resulting in hundreds of people per day without exercising social distancing, which is very dangerous and could cause the spread of the virus,” the resolution read.

The delay in the processing of applications, he said, is because there are only four computers in each branch for members to get their online Numbers and the branches also lack personnel.

“Thus, there is a need for the SSS to provide additional funding for all their branches, including the two in Cagayan de Oro, for the hiring of additional personnel, payment of overtime and night shift pay, and purchase of additional computers and tents to serve as waiting areas so as not to make people wait under the sun,” Rodriguez said.

SSS should also direct its branches to extend their office hours up to 8 p.m. and to open on Saturdays.