Bohol teen swept away by flood dies

A teenager was swept by a flash flood after he tried to cross the flooded road in Barangay Odiong in Jagna town, Bohol on Wednesday, July 29, 2020. —Adonis John Cagas/MDRRMO Office

TAGBILARAN CITY –– A 17-year-old teen died after he was swept away by floodwaters in an upland village in Jagna town during a heavy downpour on Wednesday.

Niño Cagasan, a resident of Barangay Odiong in Jagna, was on his way to bring vegetables to the market when he was swept away by floodwaters while trying to cross a road, said Adonis John Cagas, administrative and training officer of the Jagna disaster office.

Rescuers from the Jagna Emergency Medical and Rescue Unit immediately went to the area to search for the boy.

Cagasan was eventually found dead near a bridge in the boundary of Barangays Can-ipol and Lonoy.

Neighbors and friends of the victim described him as “kind, generous, and hardworking.”

A five-hour rain lashed Jagna town on Wednesday, causing a landslide and flash flood in Purok 2 in Barangay Odiong.

The village has about 1,000 inhabitants.