Team leader of MMDA sidewalk clearing group killed in Marikina

A team leader of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) sidewalk clearing operations group was gunned down by three men as he was about to enter his house in Marikina City on Sunday night.

Cesar Bacani, 54, died on the spot after he was shot at least 10 times, according to Superintendent Emmanuel Tabuena, Marikina deputy police chief.

Tabuena added that Bacani ran toward the door of his house in an attempt to get away from his attackers.

“But after he was hit several times, he fell and died instantly,” the police official said.

The shooting happened on Gil Fernando Street in Barangay (village) Barangka around 8:30 p.m. on Sunday after the MMDA officer and his live-in partner, Emma de Guzman, heard Mass and shopped for groceries.

When they got home, De Guzman first went inside the house with the grocery bags while the victim remained outside as he was parking his motorcycle.

As Bacani was maneuvering the vehicle, three men riding on a motorcycle without a license plate showed up and fired at him.

When the victim fell to the ground, his attackers fled.

Members of the Scene of the Crime Operatives recovered 10 empty shells from a .45-cal. pistol. They also found the victim’s cell phone, which contained text messages threatening the victim.

Tabuena said that based on the text messages, the police believe that the victim was killed because of his involvement in a love triangle.

He added that they were not ruling out the possibility that the motive is work-related. “We are still investigating the matter. Other clues may arise in the coming days,” Tabuena said.

As an MMDA employee since 2002, Bacani headed several clearing operations, which earned him the ire of sidewalk vendors.