Isabela city hosts mobile graduations
Cauayan City’s mobile graduation held in May. (Photo courtesy of DEPED-Cauayan Schools-Information Division/Gemma Bala)
CAUAYAN CITY –– Hobbled by the general community quarantine, government schools in this Isabela city have been conducting “mobile commencement exercises” since last week, Cauayan City Schools Division Superintendent Alfredo Gumaru Jr. said on Wednesday.
School supervisors went around the city in pick-up trucks carrying a makeshift graduation stage, and allowed elementary and high school graduates and their parents to climb up to receive their medals, diplomas, or graduation certificates, Gumaru said.
“This was conceptualized and approved by parents and village members and we are elated to get positive responses,” he said.
The programs were short, and simple messages were delivered, during the ceremonies, which all concluded with teachers reminding everyone “to practice social distancing and wear face masks for the safety of the public,” Gumaru said.
Village watchmen ensured that all quarantine rules were followed, he added.
The schools spent on fuel and no fees were collected from parents and students, Gumaru asserted.
Some schools that could not afford to conduct mobile graduations held rites instead over social media.