New COVID-19 case recorded in Quezon

LUCENA CITY –– A newly confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) patient was recorded in Pagbilao town in Quezon on Friday.

In its noon bulletin (May 15), the Quezon Public Information Office said the latest patient brings the total number of listed validated virus carriers in the province to 78. The QPIO gave no other details about the new COVID-19 patient.

Pagbilao now has three COVID-19 cases, but the first two have already recovered.

Quezon has recorded a total of 78 COVID-19 cases. At least 50 of them have recuperated, while eight others had died.

The province also has over 116 suspected coronavirus carriers confined in different hospitals, while 154 others are still on home quarantine.

The province recorded a total of 1,465 suspected virus carriers, but 41 of them had already died. Despite repeated questions coursed through the QPIO, the Integrated Provincial Health Office has yet to clarify if the fatalities had been tested to show if they were sick of COVID-19 or not.

At least 1,154 “suspects” are already out of hospitals or finished home quarantine.

The province has also recorded three “probable” patients though two of them had already finished home quarantine and showed no symptoms. One is still isolated at home.

Starting May 16, the province will be downgraded from enhanced community quarantine to general community quarantine status until May 31.