Palawan welcomes lifting of community quarantine

PUERTO PRINCESA CITY –– The local governments of Puerto Princesa City and Palawan province welcomed the lifting of the general community quarantine (GCQ) on May 16 by Malacañang, with certain measures remaining in force.

Provincial information officer Winston Arzaga said the lifting of GCQ would bring a “negative and positive” impact in the province, particularly in its economy.

“This is very good for our province because we can gradually reopen our economy, people can go back to work,” he said.

However, Arzaga reminded the public that the COVID-19 threat remains present everywhere, and everyone should observe all health protocols.

Palaweños on social media expressed that going back to “normal” would be riskier due to a lack of testing centers.

Arzaga assured the Palawan residents that the provincial government was implementing effective health protocols to address and prevent the possible entry of the coronavirus disease.

Mass testing will be implemented soon after the establishment of the four testing centers in Palawan located in Barangay Irawan in Puerto Princesa City, El Nido, Brooke’s Point, and Calamian Group of Islands.

Inter-municipal travel may be allowed pending guidelines from the Department of Transportation and fare regulation from the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board due to reduced capacity in observance of strict physical distancing protocol.