Cayetano: Conducting hearing on ABS-CBN franchise doesn’t mean automatic renewal

House Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano. INQUIRER file photo / JOAN BONDOC

MANILA, Philippines — As the public and several members of the lower chamber call for the House of Representatives to finally tackle ABS-CBN’s bid for franchise, Speaker Alan Peter Cayetano reminded that “a hearing does not mean automatic renewal.”

Cayetano made the remark after 14 lawmakers who authored bills seeking ABS-CBN’s franchise renewal wrote him a letter pressing him to “facilitate the immediate convening” of the House committee on legislative franchise and finally tackle the issue.

“As Congress re-aligns its priorities towards Building a Different and Better Tomorrow by passing urgent legislation that would maximize emerging socio-economic opportunities for our people; including but not limited to the Services, Health, Education, Agriculture, Tourism, Construction, and Manufacturing sectors, we remain cognizant of our responsibility in addressing the pending issue of the ABC-CBN franchise,” Cayetano said in a Facebook post.

“To those calling for an immediate hearing on this matter, including my colleagues in Congress, let me just be very clear — a hearing does not mean automatic renewal,” he added.

It has been a week since the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) issued a cease and desist order against ABS-CBN, ordering the network to stop its broadcast operations after the network’s franchise expired on May 4.

The issuance of the cease and desist order came two days after Solicitor General Jose Calida warned the NTC against granting ABS-CBN a provisional authority to operate while its bid for franchise renewal remains pending in the lower chamber.

While Cayetano has himself slammed NTC and Calida’s move, no hearings have been set since the network’s shutdown to tackle the measures seeking to renew the network’s franchise.

“While the deception of the NTC and the meddling of the Solicitor General adds exigency to the matter, there are still other concerns that need to be resolved,” Cayetano said.

“As to the hearing, the only thing it guarantees is that the network will be able to present its case, in the same manner as those who oppose it. The serious concerns that have been raised can no longer be swept under the rug, and it is absolutely necessary for Congress to give this matter all the time and attention it requires,” he added.

Cayetano said that a “fair, impartial, comprehensive, and thorough presentation and appreciation of the evidence” need to address “uncertainties” regarding the issue of ABS-CBN franchise.

“Without a series of ‘proper’ hearings, we will never be able to put an end to the uncertainties and doubt. Did Congress bow to the pressures of the executive department, or to the interests of a powerful and influential media corporation, or did we do our jobs and fulfill our mandate to the Filipino people?” Cayetano said.

“Ultimately, it is only through a fair, impartial, comprehensive, and thorough presentation and appreciation of the evidence that we can clear the air,” the Speaker said.