Zambales has 3 new patients with COVID-19

SAN ANTONIO, ZAMBALES –– Three new patients afflicted with the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) have been recorded in Zambales on Tuesday (May 5), bringing the total number of infected residents to 16.

One of the patients is a 32-year-old female resident of San Narciso town, who had no history of travel but who exhibited symptoms of the virus such as cough, colds, fever, and muscle pains on April 11, said Dr. Noel Bueno, Provincial Health Director

Her rapid test initially classified the patient as ‘non-reactive’ or someone who tested negative of COVID-19, until tests confirmed that she had the virus.

A 55-year-old man from Iba town and a 56-year-old woman from Botolan town tested positive, although both patients have no travel history before catching the disease.

The three patients have been confined at the President Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Hospital in Iba.

As of Monday (May 4), the province recorded 211 suspected cases of COVID-19.