4 Albay health workers recover from COVID-19

LEGAZPI CITY –– Four health workers, who have contracted the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), have recovered in Albay, the Department of Health (DOH) said.

Ernie Vera, DOH Bicol director, said that in Albay, the 40-year-old male (Bicol #32) from Barangay Tumpa, Camalig; and a 43-year-old woman (Bicol #33) from Barangay Inamnan Grande, Guinobatan, were already cleared and discharged from the Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital on Monday. They were exposed to the COVID-19 ward of a hospital.

The 21-year-old woman (Bicol #27) from Barangay 28 in this city was discharged on Sunday, while the 28-year-old woman (Bicol #22) from Poctol, Daraga also recovered on April 22. They both had exposure to a COVID-19 positive patient in a private hospital.

Bicol #32 was an institutional worker, while the three other patients were nurses.

Meanwhile, in Naga City, Camarines Sur, a 25-year-old male nurse, who tested positive on April 22, was admitted at the Bicol Medical Center but in stable condition.

Of 35 confirmed cases, four have died and 26 patients have recovered from COVID-19 in the region.