6 elderlies among 18 COVID-19 carriers in Quezon

LUCENA CITY –– At least six of the 18 confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in Quezon province are elderlies and two of them have died, records from health authorities disclosed.

In a 7 p.m. report on Tuesday, the Quezon Public Information Office (QPIO), revealed that the six elderlies, one of them a woman, are 65 to 79 years old.

The oldest, a 79-year-old male from Unisan town, died on April 6. The 65-year old man from Infanta died from acute respiratory failure earlier.

Previously, the victim from Infanta was in the list of seven casualties from among those classified as patient under investigation in the province.

On Tuesday, the test result of the victim from Infanta turned out positive, thus, the inclusion in the list of confirmed COVID-19 victims.

The remaining four elders from Lucena City and the towns of Candelaria, Sampaloc, and Tiaong, are all confined in undisclosed hospitals and reportedly in stable conditions.

Aside from the two elderly fatalities, a 55-year-old man from Candelaria also died from COVID-19.

The three fatalities from the dreaded virus have reduced the COVID-19 cases in the province to 15, aged 23 to 74, six of them women.

The QPIO report also disclosed that the confirmed virus carrier from Lucena, which was recorded on Tuesday, got his infection from exposure to another local COVID-19 patient.

Lucena Mayor Roderick Alcala said the two victims out of the seven validated virus carriers from the city came from the same village.