Manila passes ‘Anti COVID-19 Discrimination’ ordinance

MANILA, Philippines — The local government of Manila on Thursday passed an ordinance punishing those who would discriminate against persons found positive for coronavirus disease (COVID-19), individuals under monitoring or investigation and frontliners fighting the disease.

Mayor Isko Moreno signed Ordinance No. 8624, or the “Anti COVID-19 Discrimination Ordinance of 2020.”

The local law prohibits any act that causes stigma, disgrace, shame, humiliation, harassment or discrimination against COVID-19 positive patients, persons under investigation (PUI) and persons under monitoring (PUM), health workers and frontliners.

Those caught violating the act would be fined P5,000 or face imprisonment of up to six months.

The Department of Health previously urged the public to stop discrimination and inflicting harm against health care workers.

As of Thursday, the country’s COVID-19 cases rose to 2,633, of which 107 have died while 51 managed to recover.