Guard, bystander lauded for finding bomb in GenSan building

GENERAL SANTOS CITY, Philippines—A security guard and a bystander here were commended after they reported finding an improvised bomb past 2 p.m. here Sunday, authorities here said.

The local police commended Dave Pagalan, security guard of Avon distribution outlet at Chua Building along Naranjita Street here, and bystander Panung Asuncion for immediately informing the police regarding the presence of a “dubious package” in the area.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal teams from the city police and the Army’s Joint Task Force-Gensan were immediately dispatched to the area to defuse the bomb.

Director Felicisimo Khu, head of the Directorate for Integrated Police Operations in Western Mindanao (Dipo-WM), told reporters that the bomb was successfully “disrupted” around 2:45 p.m. Sunday.

Khu said the bomb was a “victim-activated device,” which when moved or touched would detonate.

He said the bomb was fashioned from an 81 mm mortar projectile and a 9-volt battery placed inside a plastic bag.