Albay town on 24-hour lockdown after resident tests positive for COVID-19

GUINOBATAN, Albay – A 24-hour lockdown is now being enforced over Bacacay town in Albay province after one of its residents tested positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Friday evening.

“Everyone should be inside their homes and all establishments should be closed,” Bacacay Mayor Armando Romano said in a message posted at around 1 a.m. Saturday on social media

Romano said that those who will be found outside of their houses during the lockdown, starting midnight of Saturday, will be arrested.

On Friday, two patients from Albay province were found out to be positive for COVID-19. The two are identified as PHP765, a 50-year-old male patient, and PHP766, a 53-year-old male patient.

The Department of Health has yet to identify which of the two patients is from Bacacay. It is however believed that he is PHP765.

Bacacay is about an hour away from Legazpi City, where the Bicol Regional Training and Teacher Hospital, the patients’ facility of consultation is located. Rey Anthony Ostria, @RAOstriaINQ, Inquirer Southern Luzon