Patient in Quezon with symptoms dies, but negative of COVID-19

LUCENA CITY—A suspected COVID-19 carrier in Quezon province, who died without knowing results of tests for the virus, was found negative for the disease, according to health officials on Friday (March 27).

The Integrated Provincial Health Office (IPHO) in Quezon, in a 5 p.m. report, said a person under investigation, or someone who showed symptoms of COVID-19, who recently died was negative of the disease.

But the health office said the cause of death of the unnamed PUI was “acute respiratory failure”, one of the most serious effects of COVID-19.

Based on health office records, only two casualties of COVID-19 are still without test results that could confirm infection or clearance.

Once test results showed the two casualties positive for the disease, they would be officially listed as COVID-19 fatalities in Quezon.

Health authorities also listed 154 validated PUI, an increase by six from figures last Thursday (March 26) of 148.

Health office records still showed four confirmed COVID-19 cases—two in this city and one each from the towns of Sariaya and Sampaloc.

Edited by TSB