Michelle Floering visits a student working at a fastfood restaurant to announce that she is the valedictorian. Image: Facebook/@mygta.us
While schools are on an extended break due to COVID-19 and citizens are advised to maintain social distancing, a school administrator went the extra mile to tell a student that she is the valedictorian in her class in the United States.
The secondary principal at Grand Traverse Academy, Michelle Floering, visited the fastfood restaurant Culver’s, where high school senior Kaitlyn Watson worked, as seen on the school’s Facebook page last Wednesday, March 25. The educator told Watson that is the school’s top student in her batch through the drive-thru window.
“Hi Kaitlyn. So, I got you on camera because I want to announce something to you today,” Floering said. “You are GTA’s 2020 class valedictorian!”
Watson looked surprised. “I am? Oh my gosh!” she replied. “Thank you so much!”
The student jumped with joy inside the restaurant while Floering was breaking the news.
“I know we have to stay six feet away so I can’t give you a hug, but congratulations,” the administrator said. “Well deserved.”
In the US, many restaurants are still available for takeout services during the global health crisis, as per People yesterday, March 26. The country has also taken over China and Italy for the most number of cases with the virus, as of yesterday, with 83,000 people testing positive for COVID-19. /ra
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