PSG mulls filing a case vs COVID-19 positive lawmaker

MANILA, Philippines — The Presidential Security Group (PSG) is thinking of filing a case against a congressman who tested positive for the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) for non-disclosure of his symptoms.

PSG Commander Jesus Durante III said ACT-CIS Rep. Eric Go Yap, who attended a meeting in Malacañang last week, did not declare the symptoms he was experiencing.

“We have been implementing strict security measures sa kahit sino ang pumasok dito sa palasyo. We are letting them sign a declaration form. Ang problema, itong si Congressman Yap, he didn’t fill up yung form,” Durante said in an interview with PTV.

(We have been implementing strict security measures for all who enter the palace. We are letting them sign a declaration form. The problem is that Congressman Yap didn’t fill up the form.)

“He didn’t declare na may contact siya with some people who were found positive. And he has a cough and has been experiencing some symptoms. Hindi niya lahat dineclare ito,” he added.

(He didn’t declare that he had a contact with some people who were found positive [of the virus]. And he has a cough and has been experiencing some symptoms. He did not declare all of this.)

“If really needed, we could file a case against him for that breach, nung ginawa niya (about what he did),” Durante further said.

Yap earlier revealed he tested positive for COVID-19.

He attended a meeting in Malacañang on March 21 to discuss the government’s measures against the outbreak.

He was also present at House’s special session to tackle a measure granting President Rodrigo Duterte additional powers to address the pandemic.

“Ito talaga yung iniiwasan natin na mangyari, ma macontaminate itong Malacanang Complex (This is what we’re trying to prevent, to prevent the contamination of the Malacañang Complex,” Durante lamented.

Durante said more or less 20 personnel from PSG and the Office of the President (OP) were advised to place themselves under self-quarantine.

The PSG commander also said they are restricting visitors of the President and limiting his meetings to teleconferencing.

“We are actually restricting any visitors for him, even the meetings are very limited. Last meeting with the IATF, it was conducted through teleconferencing then phone calls. But direct meetings, nawala na yun,” Durante said.

IATF spokesperson and Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles said they will conduct meetings via teleconferencing after some members of the Cabinet were also exposed to Yap.