M’daue exceeds 2011 tax take by P346M

The Mandaue City Treasurer’s Office is calling on businessmen to renew their business permits on or before its deadline on Jan. 20.

Regal Oliva, Mandaue City Treasurer, made this appeal as he announced that the City Treasurer’s Office exceeded its target tax collection by 30 percent as of Nov. 30, 2011.

Oliva said they already collected P1.3 billion or P346 million more than it collected for the same period last year.

“I’m happy to tell you that as of Nov. 30, 2011 the City treasurer’s office, reached the target, and nag-exceed pa man gani not including the month of December,” Oliva said in a press conference.

Oliva said that the success would be attributed to the aggressiveness of the CTO employees, who collected taxes and did not wait for the businessmen to go to their office.

Oliva is also optimistic that the CTO would do well this year especially with the four business one-stop shops (BOSS) in different areas of the city.

He said BOSS would make it more convenient for the businessmen to pay their taxes and encourage more investments in the city.

BOSS are located at the ground floor of the Mandaue City hall, 2nd floor of Parkmall at North Reclamation Area, at activity center of J Centre and at the Pacific Mall.

With the implementation of BOSS, the CTO is expecting to collect P250 million of the P320 million business tax collection target for 2012.

Oliva said that the office was targeting P1.6 billion of taxes for 2012.

Oliva attributed the CTO’s exceeding its target collection for 2011 to the aggressive collection efforts of the CTO employees, who didn’t wait for the businessmen to go to their office.

The CTO is still waiting for the report of the December 2011 collection, but Oliva is optimistic that the report will bring in additional income for the Mandaue City government.

He said it was the month when the city government implemented the condonation of the interests and penalties of real property and business taxes. /Correspondent Fe Marie D. Dumaboc