Lapu-Lapu City extends aid for Sendong victims

THE city government of Lapu-Lapu extended P5.5-million financial assistance for the victims of Typhoon Sendong in Northern Mindanao.

City Mayor Paz Radaza, Vice Mayor Marcial Ycong and city councilors flew to Mindanao to turn over the amount and met with the local government officials of Cagayan de Oro City and Iligan City, areas worst hit by the typhoon.

The city council postponed its regular session last Wednesday and Thursday for  the trip.

Araceli Solamello, the regional director of the Department of Social Welfare and Development in Northern Mindanao, received from the Lapu-Lapu City officials the check worth P5.5 million — P5 million for Cagayan de Oro and P500,000 for Iligan.

Last Dec. 21,   the city council headed by Lei Vidal, chairman of the Committee on Finance, gathered for a special session to discuss the endorsement of Mayor Radaza for the release of assistance, which was approved during the session. /CORRESPONDENT NORMAN V. MENDOZA