Virus-positive Mongolian dies in S. Korea

Virus-positive Mongolian dies in S. Korea


SEOUL — A Mongolian patient, 35, died 5:50 p.m. on Tuesday while receiving isolated treatment for COVID-19, or the new coronavirus, at a hospital in South Korea.

He was taken to Myongji Hospital in southern Gyeonggi Province on Monday for esophageal hemorrhage, after which he tested positive for the virus.

The hospital said he was immediately transported to a negative pressure room as he was in a critical condition, and in light of his travel history.

At 10 a.m. Tuesday, he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and was resuscitated following a CPR. From then on he had to be put on a respirator. He suffered a second cardiac arrest in the afternoon, and had CPR performed on him.

His wife and sister visited him in protective suits later that afternoon, during which they agreed not to resuscitate him through CPR in the event of another cardiac arrest.

The hospital said the patient — the country’s 11th virus-linked to date — likely died from preexisting conditions.

The patient came to Korea on Feb. 12 for liver transplant, and stayed at Seoul National University Hospital for six days until Feb. 18.