Duterte urged to ban all Manila Bay reclamation projects

MANILA, Philippines — Environment and fisherfolk groups on Tuesday questioned President Rodrigo Duterte’s announcement that he would ban private reclamation projects in Manila Bay, while allowing those backed by local governments or given prior approval.

Allowing any form of reclamation in the historic bay would go against the government’s ongoing rehabilitation program, they said.

“What use is the prohibition of new reclamation projects if the existing ones you will allow will do the job of destroying the last remaining coastal greenbelts in Manila Bay and other coastal areas in the Philippines?” said Leon Dulce, convenor of the People’s Network for the Integrity of Coastal Habitats and Ecosystems (People’s NICHE).

“[The pronouncement] is inconsistent and puts in question the sincerity of the government in prioritizing the long-term conservation and protection program in Manila Bay over short-term and conflicting interests from both public and private sectors,” said Gloria Estenzo Ramos, vice president of Oceana Philippines.

Fisherfolk organization Pamalakaya said Duterte should instead come out with an executive order to stop and ban all reclamation projects in the entire bay region.

“President Duterte should prohibit reclamation projects with no exception, as exempting government projects could be an excuse of private development firms … [to] engage in a joint venture agreement with local governments,” it added.