Taal emits ‘weak’ steam plume 200 to 300 meters high — Phivolcs
MANILA, Philippines — The Taal Volcano had a “weak” emission of steam reaching 200-300 meters high, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said Sunday.
In it 8 a.m. bulletin, Phivolcs added that the steam-laden plume from Taal’s main crater drifted southwest.
The recorded emission was an increase compared to Phivolcs’ record of 50 to 100 meters high on Saturday.
READ: Taal Volcano emits steam plume 50 to 100 meters high
Sulfur dioxide emission, meanwhile, was at 67 tonnes per day, Phivolcs added.
Alert Level 2 remains hoisted over Taal Volcano, meaning “sudden steam-driven or phreatic explosions, volcanic earthquakes, ash fall and lethal accumulations or expulsions of volcanic gas can occur and threaten areas within Taal Volcano Island and along its coast.”
“DOST-Phivolcs recommends that entry into Taal Volcano Island, Taal’s Permanent Danger Zone, must be strictly prohibited,” Phivolcs added.